PPC Common Quetions and Answers

  1. How to improve keyword quality score.
We have to work on three parameter to improve keyword quality score.
  1. CTR
  2. Ad relevancy
  3. Landing page experience
We have to make all this parameters above average.
  1. How to improve CTR
CTR monitor the performance of ads and keywords on the basis of imprassion and clicks
CTR: Total impression / total click
  1. Ad should be relevant with targeted keywords.
  2. Use ad customizer
  3. Use DKI ads
  4. Ad should be unique and attractive including   CTA terms (call to extension)
  5. Ad position should be top of the page
  6. Use full stop in description line 1
  7. Use negative keywords
  8. Use ad extension
  9. Use Rules.
  10. Create more ad copies in single ad group to test which ad copy preforming better terms CTR
  11. Bid should be top of the page
  12. Use target search page location bid strategy
  13. We can optimize delivery method

  1. How to improve ad relevancy   

  1. Ad should be relevant with target keyword
  2. Use coma phrases words in ad copy
  3. Use DKI ads
  4. Use customizer
  5. Ads should be unique and attractive
  6. Proper use of space
  7. Use title case in your words
  8.  Proper use of aberrations
  9. Avoid miss sapling in ad copies
  10. Proper use of punctuation
  11. Use ad extension

  1. How to use landing page experience
  1. Use AB testing
  2. Dynamic keywords insertion on landing page
  3. Use sub domain
  4. Url structuring
  5. Work on meta
  6. content optimization  
  7. use relevant images on landing page and use ALT or Title tags
  8. content should be original

  1. How to optimize campaign

  1. Work on campaign structuring (Ex according to product and servicing we will create sprat campaign or according to centaury state or city we will create separate campaign
  2. We will optimize ad group ad should be relevant with our targeting keywords as per keyword common theme we will create split adgroup accordingly.
  3. Create more ad copies in single adgroup to optimize which ad copy preforming better in terms of ctr, conversion, avg position, avg cpc
  4. Use DKI ads
  5. Use customizer ads in adgroups
  6. Ad all rules you have to mentions
  7. Test Keywords in different in match type (use one keyword all adgroups and use negative)
  8. Proper use of negative keywords
  9. Proper use of extensions
  10. Proper use of Flexible bid strategy
  11. Proper use of rules
  12. Optimize ad delivery methods (Ex: One we start getting conversions we will change optimize setting to test.)
  13. Use Remarketing.
  14. Impalement conversion tracking
  15. For mobile or computer we will create sprat campaign by locating different budget.

  1. How to improve ROI (Return of investment)

  1. Proper campaign optimization
  2. We will work on dimensions report (Geographic’s, search terms report, time report (hour of the day interval,), which are getting maximum conversions the according handle
  3. Devise analysis (from which device we are getting most of conversion)
  4. Which match type is preforming better
  5. Compotator analysis report (auction insight report) Accordingly  create out rank bid target outranking share strategy  
  6. Use flexible or automate rules in preforming keyword.
  7. Use remarketing to retarget our existing visitor to improve ROI
  8. AB testing to see which page is preforming
  9. Inquire form should be on header part
  10. Use chat option
  11. Use call to action terms
  12. Highlight more benefits or features
  13. Contact details on landing page
  14. Testimonial on landing page
  15. Social Persian on landing page
  16. Conversion tracking code
  17. We can opt other platform like display or YouTube network to improve ROI
  18. Improve keyword quality score
  19. We can show ads on relevant placement and accordingly we can bid on that
  20. We can show ads under the relevant apps tabs.